Please ensure you have the license key for Repertoire-202x and to not remove/overwrite your current Repertoire installation directory.
Here are the steps to migrate from Repertoire 202x to the latest 202x build:
Stop/Shutdown the current Repertoire server.
Unzip the latest version of Repertoire 202x.
Edit the new etc/application.conf content base on your previous version of Repertoire/Ambience etc/application.conf (Do not overwrite the application.conf with your existing one).
Move/copy over your DS and RML templates from the /repository to the /repository directory of the new installation.
Rename the bin/run-server from the new Repertoire to bin/run-server.bkup and copy over startup script bin/run-server from the old Repertoire to the new Repertoire directory
Copy over the JDBC driver in /ext directory. Please follow either of these guides to create the connection pool:
Migrate your connection pools, logback config in /etc.Please follow these guides for additional configurations:
Copy over users and groups information under the data/codex directory.
To configure Repertoire 202x as a Linux or Windows service, please follow these guides:
- Installing Ambience/Repertoire 202x as a Windows Service - Ambience 2020+ - Elixir Support Forum
- Configuring Ambience/Repertoire 2020+ as Linux Service - Ambience 2020+ - Elixir Support Forum
Note: To deploy the licence file, you can either log in to the Repertoire Server and upload the license file through the License Deployer, module or place the license file in the /etc
folder of your Repertoire Server installation. Ensure the license file is named ElixirRepertoire.license