Using REST API in Ambience


  1. Sending a report template request via REST API from an application.
  2. Call an object via REST API call.
  3. Trigger a Job in Ambience via REST API.
  • For point 1 & 3, do click on the respective links above. For point 2, do refer to the entry below.

2.To call an object (report, adhoc report, dashboard, datasource, etc) via REST API call, you can use the following example:


Explanation of each element in the call:

  • IP address & port: localhost:8080

  • Domain: eno

  • Object type: “re” for report, “adhoc/dashboard” for adhoc dashboard, “adhoc/report” for adhoc report, “ds” for datasource , etc.

  • Path: /ElixirSamples/Report/RML/Sub%20Report/Sub%20Report.rml

  • Mode: mode=file

  • Mime-type: mime-type=application/pdf to render to PDF

  • Lastly is the parameter: OrderID=1002

After that, click at " Render " button to submit the request to render this report.

More samples and explanation can be found in (2.1 MB) .