[Installation- Installation 7.x]

Supported Platforms

Elixir Repertoire Server 7.x supports any Java SE version 5.0 Runtime Environment (JRE) update 8 (or later) compliant platforms such as the following:

  • Windows
  • Solaris (including 10)
  • AIX
  • Linux
  • HP-UX
  • Macintosh OS X (10.2 or higher)
  • Hardware Requirements

Elixir software is able to run on a usual entry level system available in the market. As long as the operating system and the Java runtime is able to operate smoothly, Elixir software itself only requires an incremental amount of RAM. The primary demand for hardware resources comes from the volume of data retrieval (requiring more RAM), the complexity of rendering logic (speed of processor will benefit), and concurrency of rendering (multiple processors or cores will help).

You may refer to the “System requirements for the Java Runtime Environment 5.0” at http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000011000.xml.

A recommended minimum configuration would be 512MB, and for more advanced usage, 1GB or even 2GB is common.

A total of 140 MB disk space is recommended.
This consists of the following:

  • 40MB for the Elixir Repertoire Server software, documentations and samples.
  • Up to 80 MB for the Java runtime (depending on the version)
  • 20 MB reserved space for other 3rd party add-on software like database drivers.
  • Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor with 800MHz or more is required

Installing Elixir Repertoire Server 7.x

  1. Ensure Java is pre-installed.

    • The software strictly requires a Java VM version 5_08 to start
      Tip, To test if your system is Java enabled, open a Command Prompt
      or equivalent Console and enter java -version. This will show
      the version of Java installed in your system, if any.

    • StartServer / !StopServer script reference to JAVA_HOME that is defined on the machine.
      If it is not defined, modify the script to the JVM location.

    • Default of maximum 512 MB as defined in !StartServer script.
      Ensure that it does not exceed the available memory on the machines.

  2. Unzip or unpack the archive (e.g. Repertoire-Server-7.x.x.zip) to a suitable location on your

    • To unzip !ElixirReportServer.zip, you can use either using a GUI
      utility like winzip or type the following command at the command
      prompt to unzip !ElixirReportServer.zip into a location of your
      choice which will be referred to as .
      unzip ElixirReportServer.zip
      jar -xvf ElixirReportServer.jar
      (You will need Java to be installed to extract a jar file)

      where unzip !ElixirReportServer.zip is replaced by the name of your
      Elixir Report package file name.

      This command will create an !ElixirReportServer sub-directory (in
      the current directory) which contains everything that you needed to
      run Elixir Report Server.

  3. Deploying License Keys

    • The license key is provided as a Java Archive(JAR). The key can be
      deployed using the command line with:

      In Console mode:-
      java -jar product-license-deployer.jar -c
      In Graphical Interface mode:-
      java -jar product-license-deployer.jar

    • You may also manually deploy the key by unjaring (unzip) the key file.
      file. If deploying manually, copy the license key to the your user
      License can be deployed / defined in either
      $ERS_HOME/ =Supported from version 6.0 onwards=

  4. Third Party Library

    • To be placed in $ERS_HOME/.

    • Includes JDBC driver, customed Java classes.

  5. Running the Report Server

    • The default Server Listener Port is 8080.

    • To run the server for Unix-like operating systems, use the
      !startServer.sh. You should then see log messages from Elixir
      Report Server components as they are deployed in the server log
      file (look in the log directory for server.log).

      The last few messages should say similar as below:-
      Server 7.1.0 [20070822: build 501]
      Copyright 2007 Elixir Technology Pte Ltd

    • Alternatively, you can use the Java Client application shipped with
      the report server to the test the connection to the report server.
      The Java Client application can be found in the

  6. Troubleshooting the report server (Optional)

    • if the report server is not running, you might have to add in the
      “-Djava.awt.headless=true” in the startServer.sh then re-start the
      report server.

      For example:

      $JAVACMD -mx512M -Djava.awt.headless=true -Delixir.home=…
      -Delixir.config=…/config -jar

    • Check through the server.log for possible cause.

You should only configure the report server after you have verified,
the report server is properly installed and running.

Installation Guide for Windows:

An installation guide for Windows platforms can be downloaded for reference (485.0 KB)

Installation Guide for Unix Platforms:

An installation guide for Unix platforms can be downloaded for reference (177.8 KB)

Installation Guide for Solaris Platforms:

An installation guide for Solaris platforms can be downloaded for reference (1.5 MB)