[Template Components‎] Properties Setting

LineHeight Properties

You can set the spacing in between the lines by specifying your desired value for the LineHeight property.

Please refer to Line_Height.rml for the sample.

URL Properties
To create Hyperlink to webpages for components, there are three URL properties available.
Namely, (1) URL (2) URL Description and (3) URL Target.

  1. URL property holds the value (E.g. http://www.elixirtech.com)
    (E.g. javascript:var newWin = window.open('http://www.elixirtech.com','_blank','height=200,width=400');)
  2. URL Description property provides a description which may be shown as a tooltip if the viewer supports it.
  3. URL Target property allows the destination of the URL contents to be set.
    This is primarily for use in web browsers, so you can force the linked document to show in a separate window or frame if you choose.
    The value of URL Target (if specified) will become the target attribute of the HTML anchor (<a> element), see the HTML specification for more details.
    Report format supported :-
  • application/x-html-zip (available from version 6.2 onwards)
  • application/x-xhtml-zip (available from version 6.2 onwards)
  • application/pdf
    Components Supported :-
  • labels
  • fields
  • charts
  • grids
  • images

Please refer to URLProperties.jar for the sample.

To use the sample :

  1. Download ‘URLProperties.jar’ from the Attachments.
  2. Run Elixir Repertoire Designer
  3. Click on ‘Add FileSystem’ and select ‘Jar FileSystem’
  4. Enter ‘KnowledgeBase’ for Name and locate ‘URLProperties.jar’
