[Tabular DataSources] Bullets

This recipe demonstrates how to display bullet items using Tabular DataSource and report template.

Steps taken:

  1. Create a tabular datasource (Content.ds). Add columns and enter tabular values.
  2. Create a composite datasource (composite.ds). Drag Content.ds onto it as the beginning of the flow. Add a Derivative element following the tabular datasource. Add the following column into the “Derived” tab:Column Name=test, Data Type=String, Value=Description.replace(/•/g,"\n•");Add another Derivative element following the first Derivative. Add the following column into the “Derived” tab:Column Name=test2, Data Type=String, Value=Test.replace(/:/g,":\n");

Upon loading data, it will display the test and test2 columns following the tabular datasource columns. Upon rendering the report, it will display the bullet items in the output.

To download the necessary files for this recipe, refer to the attached ZIP file.