Single Sign On Integration

Single Sign On to Ambience from an application:

Download (244.7 KB) explaining the SSO process which logs in a user to the Ambience server from the application along with the code fragment (SSO_demo) as explained in the PDF. For this sample you will need to compile and export the code sample to a war file and deploy it to a web server, e.g. Apache.

Upon successful deployment, you should be directed to the index page in Ambience from your web server and you should also see the following messages printed to your web server log or console:

token = eno:12e49e6eeef6c06cecca089ac60cba41

And the following in your ambience log:

19:40:46.028 INFO c.e.v2.webapp.identity.DomainSSO - GET eno/test ret=None
19:40:46.028 INFO c.e.identity.ElxJaasConfiguration - Using com.elixirtech.arch.usergroup.UserGroupLoginModule LoginModuleControlFlag: required
19:40:46.028 INFO c.e.a.usergroup.UserGroupLoginModule - userName: eno:admin
19:40:46.031 INFO - Registering token eno:ed384e67f42cf6d383f58a9764ceef8d
19:40:46.032 INFO log.Activity - Login succeeded for admin eno:ed384
19:40:46.035 INFO - Deleting token eno:ed384e67f42cf6d383f58a9764ceef8d
19:40:46.035 INFO - Registering token eno:12e49e6eeef6c06cecca089ac60cba41
19:40:46.036 INFO log.Activity - Impersonation login by elx.sso succeeded for test eno:12e49
19:40:46.038 INFO c.e.v2.webapp.identity.DomainSSO - SSO succeeded for eno:12e49e6eeef6c06cecca089ac60cba41 (test)
19:40:46.046 INFO c.e.v2.webapp.identity.DomainSSO - SSO token embedded: eno:12e49e6eeef6c06cecca089ac60cba41. Redirecting to /elx/do/eno/po/index.html