This recipe shows how you can send the generated report to certain users (Test-Mailing-Name-List-Report.ds).
Please remember to change the recipient in Test-Mailing-Name-List-Report.ds and also the ‘from’ in Job-RenderReport-MailTarget-trial.job:RenderReport
Steps taken:
- Create a job (Job-RenderReport-MailTarget-Trial.job). Add and enable an “Echo” task under the job:Echo=Starting myjob sequence…
- Add and enable a “DataLoop” task under the job. Enter the following information for the “DataLoop” task:DataSource Name=…/Test-Mailing-Name-List-Report.ds
- Run the job, and observe the output on the “Logs” tab.
To download the necessary files for this recipe, refer to the attached ZIP package. (3.3 KB)