Rendering report job - Job to be able to render reports based on report templates requested.
From the 3rd party application point of view, a UI listing down all the possible report templates is created.
The UI allows the end-user to multiple-select the set of templates to be sent for generation.
This set of templates should then be translated as a JSON string to be sent to the Repertoire Server.
list=[{“rml”:“repository:/ElixirSamples/Report/Charting/3D Visualization.rml”,“print_status”:“Y”},
{“rml”:“repository:/ElixirSamples/Report/Charting/Chart with Scripting.rml”,“print_status”:“N”}]
- A JavaObject Datasource would be required to read in the JSON string.
- This job would dataloop and filter all the reports with status = ‘y’ and push the records to a RenderReport Task
- The output is then collected at a targeted folder ( e.g C:\temp )
- The end user would then be redirected to pick up the generated output at this location.
To download the necessary files for this recipe, refer to the attached ZIP package. (3.5 KB)