[Rendering Formats- Internationalization]

Internationalization for Elixir Repertoire 7.1 and above

If a system is set to a Chinese locale, standalone Repertoire, Remote Repertoire and the server web UI will be launched in the Chinese locale that the system is being set to. However, this strictly applies to systems that are set to the locales available in Elixir Repertoire.

However, if the system is set to an English locale and the user wishes to launch standalone Repertoire, Repertoire Remote or the server web UI in another locale included in Elixir Repertoire, the user will have to execute the following :

Elixir Repertoire

Users can simply write a batch file with the following syntax :

*"JAVA_HOME"\java -Duser.language=xx -Duser.country=xx -jar Repertoire-Launcher.jar*

Sample for launching Repertoire:

*"C:\Java\jdk1.5.0_09\jre\bin"\java -Duser.language=zh -Duser.country=tw -jar Repertoire-Launcher.jar*

Elixir Repertoire Server

Users need to modify the script in the startServer.bat to include the
locale syntax, e.g.

%JAVACMD% -mx512M -jar -Djava.security.auth.login.config=../config/auth.conf -Djava.security.policy=../config/java2.policy -Duser.language=zh -Duser.country=cn RepertoireServer-Launcher.jar

Elixir Repertoire Remote

User is required to perform the following steps :

From the web-resources/jnlp directory :

  1. Execute the following : unpack200 RepertoireRemote.jar.pack.gz RepertoireRemote.jar
  2. Write a batch file which contains the following script: -Duser.language=zh -Duser.country=cn -jar RepertoireRemote.jar

A sample script for launching Elixir Repertoire Remote :
%JAVACMD% -mx512M -jar -Djava.security.auth.login.config=../config/auth.conf -Djava.security.policy=../config/java2.policy -Duser.language=zh -Duser.country=cn RepertoireRemote.jar

Languages included in Elixir Repertoire 7.1

  • English
  • Chinese (Taiwan : zh_TW)
  • Chinese (China : zh_CN)
  • German (Germany : de)