Features and Enhancement
- [#29] - [DomainManagement]Disallow common password based on regular expression
- [#30] - [DomainManagement]Different Password Count
- [#31] - [DomainManagement]Force Password Change
- [#27] - [WebUI]Empty Recycle Bin for all users
- [#24] - Configurations on disabling user logs and avoid output temp file
- [#33] - Support for Repository action customisation
- [#32] - Render XLSX with Password passed in as parameter in ERS Client
- [#34] - Encrypt keystore password when authentication Mongodb using SSL
- [#37] - Configurable temp files deletion
Bug Fixes
- [#28] - [Designer]Job Targets not available for non-admin user
- [#36] - Repository - Watch File - Icon star turn off even though the file is watching