New Feature
- [AM-554] - MongoDB DataSource
- [AM-559] - Text DataSource with Basic authentication
- [AM-560] - Ambience Tomcat integration
- [AM-568] - AdhocDashboard Repository View
- [AM-570] - Housekeeping function For MongoDB
- [AM-553] - Provide ability to restrict REST interface to certain users/groups
- [AM-563] - AdhocDashboard support embedded data in View properties
- [AM-566] - Support text watermark in rml → docx rendering
- [AM-574] - Pool Finder package for secondary connection pools
- [AM-578] - Projection for MongoDB
- [AM-555] - NumberUp Printing attribute not working
- [AM-557] - AdhocReport Table Search with Contains
- [AM-561] - AdhocReport Table search with Null timestamp record
- [AM-562] - AdhocReport Table Or filter search with group
- [AM-569] - Skipping of nested blocks in DocX rendering
- [AM-571] - AdhocDashboard Rendered Table View has noticeable border cells
- [AM-573] - XLSX Report Rendering Exceeding 64k Cells
- [AM-575] - Unable to load String data in AdhocDashboard
- [AM-576] - To show calendar name for the job in WebUI
- [AM-577] - Embedded comma in data field when saving to csv file