New Feature
- [AM-524] - HTML2 Callback for RML
- [AM-525] - HTML2 Call back support for basic table
- [AM-511] - Newly added user is given SignIn permission upon creation
- [AM-512] - Hikari Connection Pool support
- [AM-517] - Ambience running.lock
- [AM-518] - Job Engine Status Query
- [AM-519] - Job Engine termination after service shutdown on windows
- [AM-522] - Session Watcher enhancement
- [AM-530] - Disable Save button in adhoc report for read-only users
- [AM-496] - Heading Tag of the Report-List view is truncated
- [AM-513] - WebIDE Lock status not shown after browser refresh
- [AM-514] - Navigation moved to the left when uncheck search view show header
- [AM-515] - Unable to save descending series sort and descending keys sort in Eikon Charts
- [AM-520] - LDAP Active Directory connection reset
- [AM-521] - Unable to save changes for Vertical Axis Label Count and Label Divisor in Eikon Charts
- [AM-523] - Table columm uses Cells Expression shows evaluate error
- [AM-526] - Adding/removing file in /web/elx/ folder triggers server restart
- [AM-527] - Published dashboard cannot display its current status
- [AM-528] - Timeout in ERS Client
- [AM-529] - Vivace export with & in domain tree
- [AM-531] - AdhocReport table filter unable to filter null value with End with, Start with and Contains