- [ AM-64 ] - Select Type of Grid View
- [ AM-237 ] - Empty Recycle Bin option in WebUI
- [ AM-241 ] - Add new trigger by duplicating existing trigger
- [ AM-252 ] - Notification mechanism
- [ AM-254 ] - Adhoc Report Charts support timestamp and time format
- [ AM-282 ] - Filesystem backup/restore format change to using Google Protocol Buffers
New Feature
- [ AM-196 ] - Ambience client API
- [ AM-199 ] - Import nodes from webui in domain manager
- [ AM-242 ] - Ambience SSO
- [ AM-245 ] - Procman launcher for remote machine Jobengines
- [ AM-303 ] - Stave Universe
- [ AM-308 ] - Option to clean Temp on server restart
- [ AM-309 ] - Universe Round-Robin
- [ AM-336 ] - HTML mailing of reports
- [ AM-348 ] - Eikon 3.5.0 Dashboard header and footer
Bug Fix
- [ AM-268 ] - Error occured when either currency code and conversion rate is selected for Grid Eikon dashboard
- [ AM-270 ] - Function for Use Enumeration Values is disabled for Eikon dashboard
- [ AM-272 ] - Unable to render the grid using Currency table
- [ AM-274 ] - Grid: Does not reflect data when Currency.Currency.ID not-equal-null under filter tab
- [ AM-277 ] - Error occur when the condition field is empty under filter tab
- [ AM-278 ] - Incorrect data reflected when the options are selected under filter tab
- [ AM-287 ] - Table being displayed in Render view is different from Edit and Run view
- [ AM-236 ] - Enumeration Value In Slider View Not Working
- [ AM-238 ] - Copy file to root path “/” should be prevented in WebUI
- [ AM-239 ] - Save datasource to Excel and XLSX
- [ AM-240 ] - Unable to search tag in new filesystem
- [ AM-243 ] - Drag and drop file in designer always prompt overwrite
- [ AM-247 ] - Report View Not Working
- [ AM-248 ] - Table View Data Is Hidden
- [ AM-249 ] - Filter failed to work in adhoc report chart using repository universe
- [ AM-253 ] - GSS Datasource
- [ AM-255 ] - Universe Mapping in WebUI defaults to first file when editing existing universe mapping
- [ AM-257 ] - Adhoc Report Pivot with Oracle Database Error: identifier too long
- [ AM-258 ] - Unable to format date and time in Adhoc Report Table
- [ AM-259 ] - Search View not displaying the columns
- [ AM-261 ] - Adhoc dashboard report view error
- [ AM-262 ] - Parameter missing in Report view with parameter dashboard
- [ AM-263 ] - Grid view read data error
- [ AM-264 ] - Area chart data read error
- [ AM-266 ] - Convert Expression unable to work with Group operation
- [ AM-267 ] - Sort function for Eikon Grid dashboard is not working
- [ AM-268 ] - Error occured when either currency code and conversion rate is selected for Grid Eikon dashboard
- [ AM-270 ] - Function for Use Enumeration Values is disabled for Eikon dashboard
- [ AM-272 ] - Unable to render the grid using Currency table
- [ AM-274 ] - Grid: Does not reflect data when Currency.Currency.ID not-equal-null under filter tab
- [ AM-277 ] - Error occur when the condition field is empty under filter tab
- [ AM-278 ] - Incorrect data reflected when the options are selected under filter tab
- [ AM-287 ] - Table being displayed in Render view is different from Edit and Run view
- [ AM-269 ] - Date filter failed in Adhoc Report
- [ AM-273 ] - Mail target not returning error
- [ AM-275 ] - Unable to save enumeration setting in JDBC Universe
- [ AM-276 ] - Datastore failed to update record when primary key duplicated
- [ AM-279 ] - Bullet, numbering,bold and italic function not working for freetext component
- [ AM-281 ] - Malfunction for Bold, Italic in Label Component
- [ AM-283 ] - SVC not working and changes are not saved for Rectangle view
- [ AM-284 ] - Table preview is not the same as edit and run view.
- [ AM-285 ] - Actionbar functions are not working in Table dashboard
- [ AM-286 ] - Error message occured after rendering XSLX for Table dashboard
- [ AM-288 ] - Cannot filter by 2 conditions in Adhoc Grid dashboard
- [ AM-289 ] - Malfunction for action bar in Report dashboard
- [ AM-290 ] - Opacity function in Pie Chart dashboard is not working
- [ AM-291 ] - Error after rendering the Pie Chart. Actionbar solved
- [ AM-292 ] - In-data set for filter tab for date picker component
- [ AM-293 ] - The Grid is unable to get data from date picker
- [ AM-294 ] - Incorrect date reflected when the options are selected in Grid filter tab
- [ AM-295 ] - Error occurred after adding Conversion Date for Slider
- [ AM-296 ] - Filter view after running the table in actionbar
- [ AM-297 ] - Page in cache in table tab
- [ AM-298 ] - No scales on slider
- [ AM-299 ] - Incorrect Date format displayed on Area Chart X axis
- [ AM-300 ] - data not updated after editing the table column
- [ AM-301 ] - filters tab differs from filter button while using Stave universe
- [ AM-304 ] - When Date = null in filter action bar in table dashboard returns error
- [ AM-305 ] - Error occurs after render the Scatter Chart
- [ AM-307 ] - Datepicker disappear in the workspace after adding filter.
- [ AM-310 ] - Adhoc Report Pivot table unable to display cell with no value
- [ AM-311 ] - Contents in the table preview shows incorrect data.
- [ AM-312 ] - Dashboard properties in width and height function does not save the changes.
- [ AM-313 ] - Search view: when Date equal null & not equal null returns error.
- [ AM-315 ] - Incorrect time displayed in Grid View.
- [ AM-318 ] - Cosmetic issue: Search view
- [ AM-319 ] - Hide Chart legend in Adhoc Report cause adhoc report rendering issue in Report mode
- [ AM-320 ] - Adhoc Report with Stave Universe
- [ AM-321 ] - Grid view: Unable to check the box of enable select all
- [ AM-322 ] - Unable to save map editing in Edit Map Wizard
- [ AM-323 ] - Date picker view: unable to in-dataset with another datepicker
- [ AM-324 ] - Ambience fix for log deletion in 3.5.0
- [ AM-325 ] - No black line and up down arrow found on select all panel in Grid view
- [ AM-326 ] - Actions function on 3.5.0 Eikon Dashboard
- [ AM-327 ] - Table View: text wrap in table doesn’t work.
- [ AM-328 ] - Repository Universe Pivot with Enforce hierarchy not working
- [ AM-329 ] - Bug found in Search view operations on IE 11
- [ AM-330 ] - In Data set filter been changed to other filter when the view is reopened
- [ AM-331 ] - DataHtml view: HTML/Javascript editor is hiding the original script
- [ AM-332 ] - Grid view: duplicate date found when timestamp column is selected.
- [ AM-333 ] - Datepicker view: Incorrect date displayed on view B.
- [ AM-334 ] - Unable to save job Timeout setting in designer
- [ AM-335 ] - Add empty action from Actions bar disable Adding button for Actions
- [ AM-337 ] - Area Chart View: Random number seen on Y Axis
- [ AM-338 ] - CardNav View: Cards are checked by default when dashboard is running
- [ AM-339 ] - Date Picker View: No column return when datetime/timestamp is selected
- [ AM-340 ] - Eikon Requires Universe Without Prepended Schemas in the Table names
- [ AM-341 ] - Date picker view: datetime/timestamp is not working properly
- [ AM-342 ] - Grid View: Unable to edit the filter
- [ AM-343 ] - Cosmestic Issue: No scroll bar for Adhoc Dashboard cards tab
- [ AM-344 ] - Actions : Render Report
- [ AM-345 ] - Grid View: Filter for Boolean Type data
- [ AM-346 ] - Actions: Render Report ( Fixed Format)
- [ AM-347 ] - When filter is added to Grid A , additional filter adds on to Grid B when cancel button is clicked
- [ AM-349 ] - Cosmetic Issue: Right click any component view , the properties window is misplaced
- [ AM-350 ] - Actions:click on cancel (X) or checked symbol sign , unable to right click the rest of the actions properties.
- [ AM-352 ] - Sorting is not working in Grid View
- [ AM-355 ] - Card cancel function disable the right click properties on the rest of the cards on the same panel
- [ AM-356 ] - Anon user unable to view adhoc dashboard
- [ AM-357 ] - Cosmetic issue : Table columns field and content columns field misalignment
- [ AM-358 ] - Cosmetic : Grid for Select all view, no arrow when the size is minimized.
- [ AM-359 ] - Ambience service stop error in windows
- [ AM-360 ] - Boolean filter equal null/ not equal. Return to filter tab, filter shows is true.
- [ AM-361 ] - When filter is added to table A, cancel button adds filter to another table B.
- [ AM-362 ] - Eikon Dashboard has broken using daily build dated on 17/10/14
- [ AM-366 ] - Date format for Datepicker view as highlighted in the screenshot doesn’t work.