Reinstall Repertoire Server with WinSW

A) Download WinSW

1. Download the appropriate version of WinSW, WinSW-x64.exe or WinSW-x86.exe, based on your system architecture from WinSW Releases.

2. Move the downloaded WinSW file into the bin folder within your RepertoireServer(8.10.1) directory.

3. Backup the existing repertoire-server.exe file in the directory. You can do this by renaming the file or moving the file into a newly created folder.

4. Rename the downloaded WinSW file to repertoire-server.exe.

5. Open the repertoire-server.xml file and ensure the field matches the name of the executable and XML file (repertoire-server).

B) Step to reinstall the repertoire-server with WinSW:

1. Navigate to Bin Directory:

  • Open Command Prompt on your machine.
  • Type cd [path to your Repertoire Server bin directory] and press Enter. This should direct you to the Repertoire Server bin directory.

2. Uninstall Existing Service (if applicable):

  • In Command Prompt, type uninstall-service.bat to uninstall any previously installed instance of the repertoire-server service.
  • You should see a confirmation message indicating successful uninstallation.

3. Install New Service:

  • In Command Prompt, type install-service.bat to reinstall the repertoire-server service using the updated WinSW version.
  • You should receive a message confirming successful installation.

4. Start the Service:

  • Type startServer.bat to start the repertoire-server service.

5. Verify the Service:

  • Open Services on your machine, locate Repertoire Server in the list.
  • Right-click on the service and select Start to confirm it is running properly.