[Object Datasource]: Calling a SOAP Service (Axis2)

Because the Object DataSource supports arbitrary JavaScript, it is quite simple to call any external APIs to obtain data. As an example, here’s a SOAP client that invokes the getStockQuote service that is in the default configuration supplied by Apache Axis2.
Apache Axis2 – Apache Axis2 User's Guide- Introducing Axis2

Webservice Setup

1/ Download WAR distribution from Apache Axis2 – Releases
2/ Deploy the WAR file to tomcat or any webapps

3/ Start Tomcat server
4/ Login at http://localhost:8087/axis2/axis2-admin/

5/ Upload webservice, StockQuoteServer.aar (attached)

Repertoire Setup

6/ Download BIN distribution from Apache Axis2 – Releases
7/ Create a folder name [Axis2] in \\Repertoire\ext\
8/ Copy ALL .JAR files from <axis2-x.X.X\lib> to \\Repertoire\ext\Axis2
9/ Start Elixir Repertoire

*For more information on the Setup, please refer to Here

Creating an Object Datasource

10/ Create a new Object Datasource in Repertoire, GetStockQuote.ds (see attached for the Ready copy). You are able to write Javascript in Object datasource to retrieve data from the web service.

  • Add one field to the schema definition - Price - with type Float. Click Next.
  • Refer to AXIOMClient.java for sample code which is a direct conversion for GetStockQuote.ds

OR      Copy and Paste the following code into the JavaScript editor:


function pushTo(/*PushContext*/ cxt, /*DataListener*/ dl)
// call soap
var fac = new org.apache.axiom.om.OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
var omNs = fac.createOMNamespace("http://quickstart.samples/xsd", "tns");
var getPricePayload = fac.createOMElement("getPrice", omNs);
var value = fac.createOMElement("symbol", omNs);

value.addChild(fac.createOMText(value, "IBM"));

var pRef = "http://localhost:8087/axis2/services/StockQuoteService";

var options = new Packages.org.apache.axis2.client.Options();
var endpointReference = new Packages.org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference(pRef);


var sender = new Packages.org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient();

var result = sender.sendReceive(getPricePayload);

// now send the record
rec = this.newRecordInstance();
data = rec.getData();
data[0] = result.getFirstElement().getText();
  • Finish the wizard and then Save.
  • Finally, click the Load Data button and you should see a single record with a single field (Price) produced. Data should display: 42.0

You can now experiment with SOAP services that supply more records and/or fields.
If you pass parameters into the invocation (eg. call.invoke(new Array("1","2")) etc. that you can use dynamic substitution to pass the values in from outside:

call.invoke(new Array("${First}","${Second}"));

SOAP.zip (5.0 KB)