Migration from 7.1.x to 7.2 and above


This section describe the necessary steps to upgrade from ERS7.1.x to ERS7.2.0 - ERS7.6.0.


Do NOT attempt to install version 7.2.0 over the same location on an existing version 7.1 installation as this would cause ERS 7.2 not able to start up correctly.

The minumum Java Run Time requirement for version 7.1 is Java 5_08 and above


DO NOT copy all configuration files in <ERS7.1.0_installation>/config over to <ERS7.2.0_installation>/config as this would cause ERS 7.1 not to start up correctly.

Instead, copy each piece of information from the old configuration file in version 7.1.0 or earlier to the new configuration file in version 7.2

e.g. In your current ERS setup, port number 8003 is used. To migrate this, simply edit the new ERS.xml in 7.2.0 accordingly.

Core Engine

The default port used for ERS 7 is 8080. Please note that entering an invalid port number in ERS.xml will cause ERS7.2 not to start up.

External Jars

Please copy all existing jars in ERS7.1.x ext folder to the new ERS7.2.0 ext folder.

Re-install Windows Service

Minor changes in the startup script are required when upgrading from version 7.1 or earlier. The following two Java system options are not needed anymore*:

-Djava.security.auth.login.config and -Djava.security.policy.

If you are launching Repertoire server as a Windows service, you need to update (uninstall and install) the Windows service using the tools provided under ‘windows-service’ directory.

  • Javascript security has been enhanced

We have enhanced security support for Javascript so that scripts written by users will be executed with limited privileges (these are configurable by administrators).

If you have a script that ran correctly with version 7.1 or earlier, but fails in the new release, you should check if the script contains privileged actions (such as establishing network connections or accessing files on hard disk, etc.).

You should verify that these operations are safe and if you believe they are necessary, you can then fine tune the security policies in config\java2.policy for your users. Please see the user manual for more details.

Repository and Users/Roles

To migrate 7.1.x repository and user/roles information :

  1. Ensure that ERS 7.1.x is not started ( Failure to do so will cause missing information to be migrated )
  2. Copy <ERS7.1.x_installation>/db (should also contain ‘fs’ and ‘system’ directories)*
  3. Ensure that ERS 7.2.0 is not started
  4. Paste into( as copied in Step 2 ) <ERS7.2.0_installation>/db
  5. Start ERS 7.2.0. The repository and user/role information will be successfully migrated.

*Note that once you have migrated forwards, you can’t migrate backwards with the same db(containing your filesystem, user role)