Look Up - Sample 1

The following recipe illustrates how to make use of the lookup processor to return an X value based on Y selection.

Very frequently, we would like to present users with user-friendly messages for inputting. However, a totally different set of values need to be sent to the database or other data activities.

This can be achieved using 2 filter processor + 1 lookup.

Steps taken:

  1. Create a composite datasource (Composite.ds).
  2. Drag and drop Condition.ds into the composite datasource, and make it the beginning of the flow. Add a “Filter” element following Condition.ds. Make the following settings in “Filter > Filter #1”:Column Name=Option, Type=String, When=Equals, Condition=${Option#choice(Active,Closed,All)#}
  3. Drag and drop Product.ds into the blank area below Condition.ds, and make it the beginning of another flow. Add a “Filter” element following Product.ds. Make the following settings in “Filter > Filter #1”:Column Name=Status, Type=String, When=Matches, Condition=${whereVal}
  4. Add a “Parameters” element and draw flows between this element and both “Filter” elements. Enter “Lookup” as the “Parameters” element name.

To download the necessary files for this recipe, refer to the attached ZIP file.