[General Task Samples] Ant

This recipe demonstrates how to work on the Ant task of a job in the Schedule Designer.

To allow this to work, you have to create two folders, if you are using a Windows operating system:

  1. C:/tmp
  2. C:/tmp2

Once this job is run, you will notice a copy of tmp is created in ‘C:/tmp2’, Example: C:/tmp2/tmp

Steps taken:

  1. Create a job file (Ant.job). Add the following parameters:Name=From, Value=C:\tmp, Enabled=true
    Name=To, Value=C:\tmp2, Enabled=true
  2. Add an “Ant” task under the Ant.job on the “Design” tab. Enter the file path of build.xml. Add the following parameters:Name=ANT_FROM, Value=${From}, Enabled=true
    Name=ANT_TO, Value=${To}, Enabled=trueSet “Build Target” to build.
  3. Add an “Echo” task under the Ant.job on the “Design” tab. Enter the following into the “Echo” field:########################
    Copying from ${ANT_FROM} to ${ANT_TO}

To download the necessary files for this recipe, refer to the attached ZIP package.
Ant.zip (174.7 KB)