Filter-Null Value

This recipe shows the filtering of null value.

Note: Whitespace is not a null so ensure it is trimmed before filtering. You can use one of the elixir function to trim: elxfn.rightTrim(string),elxfn.trim(string) or elxfn.leftTrim(string)

In Sample.ds, the fields are like the following:

“” ← Null
" " ← Not Null
A ← Not Null
null ← Not Null

Hence only the first field will not display after the filtering.

Steps taken:

  1. Create a composite datasource (cmps-Null.ds). Drag and drop the tabular datasource (Sample.ds) as the beginning of the flow.
  2. Add a “Filter” element following the tabular datasource. Make the following settings in “Filter > Filter #1” tab page:Column Name=CentreCat, Type=String, When=Not Null

To download the necessary files for this recipe, refer to the attached ZIP Package.