[FAQ] Known Issue - Version 7.x

MediaSize is overriding the MediaTray for Repertoire Designer 7.1.0

Version: 7.1.0

Problem Description:
The printer tray that was specified doesn't get used.

Problem Addressed:
1) If OrientationRequired is already specified, then don't override it

2) If MediaTray is already specified then don't set MediaSize

Patch Resolution:

To resolve this, please following the instruction carefully.

1. Stop your Repertoire Designer ( if it's currently running )
2. Download  patch-7.1.0-01.jar  ( DO NOT change the name of this jar file )
3. Drop this jar into the 7.1.0 Designer /lib directory ( DO NOT drop this jar in the /ext folder )
4. Start your Repertoire Designer

Formatting of numbers in Excel output

When we pass in a field of double, float or integer type into Excel, Excel ignores our formatting and treat it as a number without the formatting we specified eg #,###.00 etc. To get around this, you need to append ' in front of the field so that Excel will treat it as String and show the number with the formatting.

Note: This is resolved on v7.3.0 and later.

Merging Cells at the bottom of the Excel

A line of merged cells is added along the bottom of the report. 
This is to work around an Excel bug. If the Excel file contains an image, then the row heights we set are ignored, 
unless there is at least one merged cell in the sheet. 
We don't know why, and we don't have every version of Excel installed to compare which ones have the problem.
The simplest solution is to ensure every report has at least one merged cell.

Note: This issue is applicable for v6.x and v8.x as well.

Oracle Non-Query statement in Composite Datasource → SQL Processor.

In SQL Processor, non-query statement for Oracle must not contain end of line statement ';'(without single quote), else it will throw exception:
Error in processRecord: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00911: invalid character . Caused by: ORA-00911: invalid character

Note: This is caused by Oracle JDBC driver which can't be fixed in Repertoire.

Turn OFF Word Wrap for CSV and Excel

Problem Description
When generating the report in CSV or Excel format, if the data is too long to be fit into the Label/Text field in the template, the record will wrap to the next line.

Problem Addressed
You can render to CSV format and reducing the font size to 1pt.
This won't be legible in other formats, but because CSV has no concept of font size it doesn't matter. With such a small font size you should be able to get a very wide string into the allowed field width.
This is if you want to render to CSV format instead of XLS.

If you need the report to be readable in several formats, then you could use an OnRenderBegin script to reduce the font size if outputting into CSV. In this case, in other formats the text will continue to wrap.

You can put this script in the datafield->script->onRenderBegin.
if (Renderer.getMimeType()=="


Patch Resolution
For Report, an [AutoWrap] property for Fields (under Format->AutoWrap) which defaults to true (for backwards compatibility) was implemented. It is possible to turn this off to prevent word wrapping either explicitly or via a script (eg. based on the mime type, choose to turn wrapping off for CSV). Because this is so widely useful and it would be very tedious to go through all the fields and add this script, there is a master control at the report level.

On Report Properties there are options to disable [AutoWrap] for CSV and Excel. If these are ticked, then the individual field values are ignored and [AutoWrap] is turned off for all fields.
Note: Only when rendering in CSV and/or Excel, depending on which checkbox was chosen

Therefore if you want your CSV and Excel outputs to not have hard-coded newlines where they wrap, then you can safely turn these two options on without having to alter any field properties or write any scripts and without affecting any other render types.

Note: The behaviour of turning off autowrap for other render types is not guaranteed to be the same.
For example, PDF will likely clip the long text differently from glint. This should not be treated as a bug because changes to all render types to clip exactly the same would likely break existing behaviour and would definitely increase file sizes and rendering time. Users should not depend on the consistent handling of AutoWrap=no across different render types.

Note: This is resolved on v8.2.0 or later

Excel file compliance violation - blocked by certain Email scanner

Problem Description
Reports generated to Excel (.xls) will be blocked and quarantined by certain email scanner system.

The file violates the Compound File Directory Sections (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd942368.aspx), which prevents us from reading the stream information properly from it.
Especially, it's violating the rules mentioned in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd942470(v=PROT.13).aspx.

1/ This problem will not occur when the Excel file is re-saved before sending the attachment via mail.

2/ Patch Resolution:
To resolve this, please following the instruction carefully.
   1. Stop your Repertoire Designer/Server ( if it's currently running )
   2. Go to 7.x Designer or Server /lib directory, backup jxl.jar to another directory
   3. Download and unzip jxlapi-2.6.12-elx.2.zip
    patch: jxlapi-2.6.12-elx.2.jar
    source file: jxl-2.6.12-elx.2-src.tar.gz
   4. Drop patch jxlapi-2.6.12-elx.2.jar into the /lib directory ( DO NOT change the name of this jar file )
   5. Start your Repertoire Designer/Server

Note: This patch will not work with Remote, so you can only try with Designer and/or Server.

This will be resolved in v8.2.0.

Hyperlinks appeared as Text after rendering report to Excel

Problem Description
When creating an excel report with a URL hyperlink as one of the clickable fields, the URL will appear as a text field in excel unless user edit the cell and press ‘enter’ without editing anything then it changes into a hyperlink.

We don't output any hyperlinks into excel. This is because we can't support the same behaviour as the other file formats, where we can have some content, eg. a string or number and then clicking takes you to the URL (using the URL property). In Excel, the cell will show the URL instead of the expected label or number.
This is fine if you only want a URL in a cell, but it means that when you render into Excel you might not see the data you see in the other formats because the URL (which isn't visible on the page in HTML, PDF etc.) overwrites the cell contents.
If we were to add in hyperlink support in Excel then it would break any existing reports that happen to have URLs defined for the fields, labels and images.

*Patch Resolution:*
To help resolve this, a code was added which allows
hyperlinks to show in Excel. The behaviour is as follows:

1/ You define the URL property of a label, eg. [http://elixirtech.com/
2/](http://elixirtech.com/2/) You define the label text as http://elixirtech.com/

Now you will get the label appear in Excel as a hyperlink, not just a plain string. If the label text is different from the URL then only the label text is shown as a plain string which is consistent with the current behaviour.

This will be resolved in v8.3.0 (build Repertoire-20110616).
