[FAQ]: Configuring Ambience Server as Linux Service

The following steps below was carried out using systemd. These steps below assume that Java is already installed and available on the system path.

1/Create a new user to run the service, e.g. elixir:

sudo adduser elixir

2/Unzip the Ambience distribution into a folder, e.g. /opt/ElixirAmbience, and set the owner to elixir:

sudo chown +R elixir:elixir /opt/ElixirAmbience

3/Make the shell scripts executable, or adjust permissions as needed to minimise access to the elixir user:

sudo chmod +x /opt/ElixirAmbience/bin/.sh*

4/Download and copy the attached ambience_service.zip (323 Bytes) file into /etc/systemd/system.

The contents of the file looks like this:

#!/bin/sh -


Description=Elixir Ambience Service








Note the user is set to elixir and the chosen install location is set in both WorkingDirectory and ExecStart (relative paths are not allowed in either of these)

5/Use systemd to load new service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

6/Service can be started explicitly:

sudo systemctl start ambience

Note that the running.lock, data folder and log folder are all created by the elixir user, showing the correct account is used.

7/The last set of console lines with can be seen using:

sudo systemctl status ambience

which also includes a useful process tree:

Main PID: 28279 (run-server.sh)

CGroup: /system.slice/ambience.service

       ├─28279 /bin/sh /opt/ElixirAmbience/bin/run-server.sh

       ├─28280 java -[Dvisualvm.display.name](http://dvisualvm.display.name/)=AmbienceServer -Delixir.home=. -Djetty.home=jetty -Djetty.base=jetty/elx-base

       ├─28367 java -Delixir.domain=eno -Djobengine.name=first -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dlogback.configurationFile=etc/j

       └─28371 java -Delixir.domain=eno -Djobengine.name=second -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dlogback.configurationFile=etc/

8/Stop the service using (wait 10 secs and the running.lock should be removed):

sudo systemctl stop ambience

9/Input the following to get systemd to start the service every time the server restarts:

sudo systemctl enable ambience