ETL Log Reading

This entry guides you through the steps to view the necessary Ambience logs using the ETL module.

• How to read the Activity Log, Event Log and Audit Log by using the ETL module in Ambience 202x
• This step works for Administrator user with mod-activity-log-viewer, mod-event-log-viewer and mod-audit-log-viewer

Read Event Log

  1. Navigate to ETL services and create a new ETL chainset.
  2. In the chainset, add a new chain e.g., “Event Log”
  3. Add the step “JSON Record” and add the following lines as shown in the screenshot.

Notes : You may specify the date range based on logs date that you are looking for.


  1. Next add the step “Read Event Log” and inputs the values for the following fields.
    Notes: To read Audit or Activity Log, you may add step “Read Audit Log” or “Read Activity Log”


Notes :
As declared in the step JSON record, fill the Start Field column with “from” and End Field column with “to”.

  1. Save and Run the ETL steps. The output should look like below.

Expand the Object field under “when” column and you will see the date detail.

  1. Carry out the same steps to view the Activity Log and Audit Log.