Encrypting using Ambience4.x

On Linux Environment:

For Ambience 4.x

  1. Open a command line console & navigate to /elx-ambience-4.x/bin of your Ambience installation path.
  2. Execute the command below:
    ./ambience encrypt <your-secret-key>

On Windows Environment:

For Ambience 4x

  1. Open a command line console & navigate to /elx-ambience-4.x/bin directory of your Ambience installation path.
  2. Execute the command below:
    ambience.bat encrypt <your-secret-key>

  • Output Example, (using mypassword as a plain text password example.)
    user@user:/elx-ambience-4x/bin$ ./ambience encrypt mypassword
    mypassword = Y0tzTxoSeEbzrKj6Q8VTXA==

Additional Notes

  • Encrypting the same input will produce a different output each time.
  • To include in spaces in your secret key, do wrap up the entire key with double quotes (" ") which would not be considered part of the key.
  • For further details, do view the following post: Encrypting using Ambience/Repertoire 202x - #2 by jpriddey