[Dynamic UI] Working With Dynamic Parameters

SQL query is the part where a range will be defined to specify the report request.

Example :
Select * from employee where employee_id < 6;

In the above case, when write in dataasource, you will need to define dynamic parameter.

Modified :
Select * from employee where employee_id < ${ID};

This is only for datasource level, what about Report level?

At Report Level,
1. Ensure that dynamic parameter is defined at the Datasource wizard
2. Parameter is enabled at ‘Report’ tab
3. Parameter is propagated from datasource level to report template level

Try to render the report via Elixir Report Designer, you will notice that it will prompt for your input for the dynamic parameters.
With the above, you are done with creation of datasource and report template with dynamic parameter.

However, when rendering through API, you will need to add parameters to render report function.

Code Snippet
Properties props = new Properties();

Next, include ‘props’ in the method for report invocation.
Check the method for report invocation, one of the argument with the data type ‘java.util.Properties’ is the one that you should pass in ‘props’.