[Deployment]: 02 Working with SSH protocol


In certain situations, machines hosting the Elixir Repertoire Server may be behind a firewall that has blocked off access to all ports except port 22 which is accessible via Secure Shell (SSH) tunneling.

The document available below serves as a form of reference for establishing a connection to a Repertoire Server that is behind a firewall. It provides a walkthrough using Elixir Repertoire Server 7.1.1 and PuTTY as an example.


For this example it is assumed that the following has been implemented:

  1. Elixir Repertoire Server is installed and running on the remote host

  2. The remote host accepts Port 22 (SSH) connections

  3. Users accessing the Repertoire Server from their web browsers have been assigned the appropriate permissions and privileges

  4. The PuTTY client has been installed on the local host

The PuTTY client can be downloaded Using PuTTY


To try out this example, ensure that the above requirements have been met and download
Connecting_to_ElixirRepertoireServer_using_SSH.pdf (416.4 KB)