There are several ways to deploy a licence for Ambience and Repertoire. Follow the instructions below based on your preferred method
A. Using the Licence Deployer Module
Log into your Ambience/Repertoire server and navigate to the Licence Deployer module under the Administration section.
Click on “Choose File” and select the licence file provided by our sales team.
Once the licence file has been selected, click on Deploy Licence on the top right corner.
If the licence is validated successfully, a confirmation pop-up will appear. Restart the server for the licence to take effect.
B. Copying Licence File Manually
Place the licence file in the /etc
folder of your Repertoire/Ambience Server installation. Ensure the licence file is named ElixirRepertoire.licence
for Repertoire, and ElixirAmbience.licence
for Ambience.
C. Using the Command Line Module
Navigate to the /bin directory of your Repertoire/Ambience Server installation.
Run the appropriate command line tool:
For Linux: or
For Windows: repertoire-cli.bat or ambience-cli.bat
Use the following command to deploy the licence:
For Repertoire:
repertoire-cli.bat deploy-licence <licence-file>
For Ambience:
ambience-cli.bat deploy-licence <licence-file>
After deploying the licence, ensure the server is restarted for the changes to take effect.