Configuring ETL Chains for JDBC Data Source and Connection Pool Retrieval


This guide provides instructions for configuring the Repertoire 2024 ETL chainset designed to read JDBC data sources stored within a repository and generate a comprehensive list of data sources and their corresponding connection pools.

Steps to Configure and Execute:

1. Set Directory Permissions
Ensure that all files within the Repertoire 2024 installation directories are readable and writable by the ETL file steps. Update the etc/application.conf file to include the required directories, such as C:/ if Repertoire 2024 is installed on the C:/ drive.

2. Upload the ETL Chainset
Import the REP_DS_Reader.chainset.json file into the ETL module within Repertoire 2024.

3. Define Repository Path
Open the REP_DS_Reader.chainset.json file. In the “JSON Record” step, specify the repository path for the filesystem that contains the data source and RML files.

4. Set Output Path
In the “CSV File Writer” step, define the output path where the connection pool information will be saved.

If the output should be stored in a different directory, ensure the directory path is included in the application.conf file, e.g:

5. Execute the ETL Chain
Run the chainset by selecting the “Play” button in the ETL module.

6. Checking The Result
Confirm the task completion by checking the returned rowCount or length values.

7. Verify Output
The output file will be saved at the path defined in step 4. By default, the file will be located at: