This examples uses Gitlab but any OAuth2 provider can be used as well:
Add application in gitlab server under your user (note that the callback uri should be http://hostname:1740/authclient, this is in consistent with the setting in etc/application.conf of the Ambience Server installation.
Change host name on your laptop to point to proper endpoint (The added application).
Login to the Ambience Server and add the existing user in User Management module that you have in Gitlab server.
Go to the Ambience Server installation folder and edit the following elixir.sso.client values in etc/application.conf, e.g.:
elixir.sso.client {
cookie-name = “elx-amb”
cookie-same-site = “Lax”
openid-field = “name”
openid-scope = “openid email”
service-definition {
elxsso {
authorization = “”
token = “”
userinfo = “”
logout = ${sso-server-baseurl}"/simple-sso/logout"
debug = false
client {
id = “[Your Application ID]”
secret = “[Your secret]”
endpoint = ${sso-client-baseurl}"/authclient"
} -
Save the changes made, start the Ambience Server and login to http://localhost:1740 in a web browser using the Gitlab account defined in Step 1.