[Chart] XY Chart

This recipe demonstrates how to add marker in XY Line Chart and how to change font properties in XY Line Chart.

  1. How to add marker in XY Line Chart:
  2. Create a blank report template (HowToAddMarker.rml) using the datasource (FruitSales.ds).
  3. Add an XY Line Chart into the report template.
  4. Enter the following Java code into the “Script” tab:importPackage(Packages.org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy);
    //new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(boolean line, boolean shape)
    plot.setRenderer(new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(true, true));
  5. How to change font properties in XY Line Chart:
  6. Create a blank report template (HowToChangeFontProperties.rml) using the datasource (FruitSales.ds).
  7. Add an XY Line Chart into the report template.
  8. Enter the following Java code into the “Script” tab:importClass(Packages.com.elixirtech.ui.StandardColor);

var lineandshaperenderer = plot.getRenderer();
lineandshaperenderer.setItemLabelFont(new java.awt.Font(“SansSerif”,0,10));

Screenshot of adding marker in XY Line Chart:


Screenshot of changing font properties in XY Line Chart:


To download the necessary files for this recipe, refer to the attached ZIP package.
XYChart.zip (5.5 KB)