[Audit]: Retrieving User Account Details

This example guides you through on the steps to retrieve the Ambience server’s user account details.


  • Creation of Datasource (Retrieving User Account Details)
  • Creation of Datasource ( Retrieving User’s Last Login Date & Time)
  • Creation of Report Template (Creating a Composite Datasource)

Creation of Datasource (.ds)

Retrieving User Account Details

  1. Add a new Object Data Source.

  2. At “Enter datasource name and define the schema” section, add 5 new columns with the respective data types as follows:

  3. At “View/Edit the JavaScript initializing the data source” section, add the following script:


    function pushTo(/*PushContext*/ cxt, /*DataListener*/ dl)
      JobLogging.logInfo("AmbienceUsers","Calling server");
      var users = UserGroupUtil.getUsers();
      JobLogging.logInfo("AmbienceUsers","Got " + users.length + " users");
      for (i=0;i<users.length;i++) {
        var rec = this.newRecordInstance();
        var data = rec.getData();
        data[0] = users[i].name();
        data[1] = users[i].email();
        data[2] = UserGroupUtil.getExtra(users[i],"userID","");
        data[3] = users[i].groups().mkString(",");
  1. Click Finish once done.

  2. Generate the datasource.

Retrieving User’s Last Login Date & Time

  1. Add a new Object Data Source.

  2. At “Enter datasource name and define the schema” section, add 2 new columns with their respective data types as follows:

  3. At “View/Edit the JavaScript initializing the data source” section, add the following script:

    function pushTo(/*PushContext*/ cxt, /*DataListener*/ dl)
      var info = com.elixirtech.v2.jobengine.bridge.UserGroupInfo.getLastLogins();
      var calendar = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
      for (var i=0;i<info.length;i++) {
        var rec = this.newRecordInstance();
        var data = rec.getData();
        data[0] = info[i].user();
        var ts = info[i].ts();
        if (ts.isDefined()) {
          data[1] = calendar.getTime();
  1. Click “Finish” once done.

  2. Generate the datasource.

Sample datasources for the above entry can be downloaded below:
obj_ds.zip (1.6 KB)

Creation of Report Template (.rml)

Creating a Composite Datasource for use in Report Template

  1. Create a new Composite datasource.

  2. In the “Designer” tab of the Composite datasource, add 2 DataSource processor and point it to the datasources created above respectively.
    i.e. obj-user_accounts.ds and obj-user_login.ds

  3. Flow both the datasource to a Join Processor & configure it as below:
    i.e. primary → obj-user_accounts.ds, secondary → obj-user_login.ds


  4. Next, add a Processor.

  5. Configure the Processor as below:
    Transform → “Add Timestamp transform type”

  6. Next, add a Derivative Processor.

  7. In the “Derived” tab, add a column with the below configurations:

  8. Next, add a Processor.

  9. Configure the Processor as below:
    Transform → “Add Date transform type”

    Transform → “Add Discard transform type”

  10. Flow it to Result and Save the Composite datasource.

  11. A sample output would be as follows:

  12. You would than be able to utilize the composite datasource in your report template.

  • Sample of the above composite can be downloaded here.
  • Do upload the above sample to /ElixirSamples