Features and Enhancements
- [build#07] - Reset button to the search field
- [build#15] - Ambience 2020 Licensing
- [build#14] - Copy From to hide name start with underscore
- [build#08] - Tool Popup - Service Chooser drop down list configurable
- [build#16] - Ambience state and horizontal scalability
- [build#10] - Automated cloud instance deployment with different credential
- [build#09] - MongoDB Connection String support
- [dashboard#21] - Pivot Table Row and Column labels properties
- [dashboard#25] - Support for percent by row or column in pivot table
- [dashboard#28] - Charts with Horizontal Legend updated
- [dashboard#32] - Presentation Feature
- [dashboard#33] - Dashboard Pivot vertical measures
- [dashboard#35] - Helper Panel on Dashboard Blank Page
- [dashboard#36] - Sunburst Chart View
- [dashboard#37] - Sunburst Tree Chart View
- [dashboard#38] - Rows Page View enhancement
- [dashboard#41] - Order Pages and Slideshow Feature under Dashboard Properties
- [dashboard#43] - Bar Percent Chart
- [dashboards#07] - Dashboard Views
- [dashboard#52] - Dashboard Pivot export to XLSX
- [etl#22] - ETL to have expanded view for result
- [etl#30] - MongoDB Updater step
- [etl#31] - ETL Explain
- [etl#33] - Nulls steps
- [etl#34] - Remove Empty Strings and Change RegEx Field Types
- [etl#36] - Dataset Reader step
- [etl#37] - Support disabling/enabling steps
- [etl#38] - ETL Step Dictionary
- [etl#39] - ETL Config steps
- [etl#44] - Dynamic Rule Checking step
- [etl#45] - XLSX Writer steps
- [etl#40] - Layout Render Choice steps
- [etl#47] - POST Bytes, POST JSON and POST Raw steps
- [etl#50] - XLSX Writer and XLSX File Writer to support Excel cell formatting
- [etl#51] - XLSX Protect and XLSX Protect Field step
- [etl#53] - Password Ages and Force Password Change steps
Layout (Early Access)
- [layout#03] - RTL support in Layout
GIS Explorer
- [gis-explorer#01] - GISExplorer Module and Dashboard Gis View
Ownership Management
- [ownership#01] - Ownership Management for ChainSets, Dashboards and Visualisations
Recycle Bin
- [recycle-bin#01] - Recycle bin for ChainSets, Dashboards and Visualisations
- [scheduler#13] - Calendar support
- [identity#02] - Password Policy
User Management
- [users#03] - New mod-scheduler-calendar privilege for In User Management
Visualisation Management (Early Access)
- [viz#na] - Visualisation Management
Bug Fixes
- [build#18] - Disallow special characters :;/$<>[]{}~`" in GIS, Theme, ETL, Layout and Visualisation names
- [dashboard#02] - Unable to apply date tick format to chart axis
- [dashboard#16] - No Aggregation available for bubble chart in Dual Axis Chart
- [dashboard#24] - Download View not showing the contents upon dashboard first load or refresh
- [dashboard#26] - Line Chart behaviour when select Group Property “empty”
- [dashboard#27] - Unnecessary field displayed in Dashboard Page Control Type
- [dashboard#29] - Incorrect error message when add/create blank dasboard without attaching upload file
- [dashboard#31] - Background Image is missing in Bubble Overlay Chart
- [dashboard#34] - Pivot Table is broken when it have “Measure Vertical” and “Shows Total Before” Properties together
- [dashboard#40] - Dashboard views frame icons not working
- [dashboards#05] - Disable button for dashboard not working properly
- [dashboard#45] - Gis View sometimes show blank while the page is still refreshing
- [dashboard#47] - Line chart text positioning not working
- [dashboard#49] - Scatter Chart and Bubble Chart with no Group set shows blank view
- [dashboard#50] - Various fixes for dual axis charts
- [dashboard#54] - Fix error message needs when file exists during restore
- [dashboard#55] - Label and Description field in bubble overlay chart not working
- [datasets#05] - Unable to overwrite Dataset when uploading
- [datasets#06] - Update ETag shows an error message when the dataset name contains “/”
- [datasets#11] - The Upload button is still enabled in Add/Edit page
- [datasets#12] - Fix for ETag Field on Add/Edit Dataset
- [datasets#13] - Fix for Dataset Aggregation with Multiple fields order
- [datasets#14] - Fix for Filters drop-down list is truncated in Firefox browser
- [etl#26] - Fix for MSSQL inserter data type
- [etl#46] - Overlap in “Add Chain” Form if The Chain has very long name
- [etl#48] - Json Reader step not recognized before Save
Layout (Early Access)
- [layout#01] - Unable to render field with date format selected in HTML
- [layout#05] - Fix rendering of integer with dots in HTML
- [layout#06] - Fix for inconsistent name in menu bar and the page header
GIS Explorer
- [gis-explorer#03] - Consistency in the design of “Delete” icon
- [gis-explorer#04] - Consistency in the design of filter panel
- [gis-explorer#05] - Fix for Column options in filter when changed from “Contains” → “In” → “Contains”
- [gis-explorer#06] - Restrict type of data can be used for filter
- [gis-explorer#07] - Consistency in design of Expand All/Collapse All button
- [gis-explorer#08] - Refresh button for map page is not working properly in GIS Explorer Management
- [gis-explorer#11] - Restrict Zoom Level value with Min and Max value
- [gis-explorer#13] - Auto Refresh functions fixes
- [gis-explorer#15] - Fixed for GIS view automatically zoom and focus on the selected
- [gis-explorer#17] - Consistency in design of close icon in the Info Panel
Import and Export
- [import-export#05] - Fix for Cancel button is alignment in History Detail page
Log Viewer
- [log-viewer#02] - Fix for filling in the search criteria from first drop down
- [messages#02] - The message can still be sent when CC or BCC to invalid recipient
- [messages#04] - The message lists for “Read”, “All”, and “Sent” do not render HTML page properly after refresh page
- [messages#05] - Fix typographical error in pop up message after deleting a message
- [messages#06] - Inconsistent Tooltip message for Open Message symbol on Message List
- [messages#07] - Invisible object above the search box performs Attach Files
- [messages#08] - Fix for BCC Message
- [messages#09] - Fix for Compose button
- [messages#11] - Fix for button alignment after clicking Open Message in Sent tab
- [scheduler#01] - Unable to pass parameter from Scheduler to POST Form Reader URL field
- [scheduler#02] - Trigger page shows job still running while Job status complete with error
- [scheduler#04] - The Close button is left-aligned in Job Information page
- [scheduler#05] - Typographical error in pop up message when saving a calendar with duplicate name
- [scheduler#06] - Typographical error in pop up message when saving an empty name
- [scheduler#07] - Add button is still clickable but unusable when adding a Trigger
- [scheduler#08] - calendar remains after been deleted while the updated name remains unchanged after it is edited and saved
- [scheduler#09] - Elements cannot be selected within Calendar drop-down list changed to include and exclude
- [scheduler#14] - No Error Message return when user try to save trigger with invalid cron expression
- [scheduler#15] - Cron Expression Validation is not working after click on refresh button
- [scheduler#16] - Disable adding Calendar with invalid Cron Expression
- [scheduler#17] - No Time Validation (Hour/Minute/Second) on Calendar Constraint “Time of Day”
- [scheduler#18] - No Error message return when user try to create trigger with invalid value (Days/Hour/Minute/Second)
- [scheduler#19] - Performance Issue when Saving Invalid Run Hourly Trigger
- [identity#01] - Update Delete button in Identity Management for consistency
- [theme#02] - Add/Open Theme gives internal server error in browser
Upload and Download Management
- [upload-download#02] - “Save” and “Cancel” button jump to be left-aligned
- [upload-download#03] - Typographical error in pop up message after clicking Run button without choosing the file
- [upload-download#04] - Typographical error in pop up message after changing the file name to be blank
- [upload-download#05] - Upload a file with more than one role selected does not get any role set
- [upload-download#06] - Incorrect Delete message
- [upload-download#07] - To keep same file extension in name for Upload
User Management
- [users#04] - Fix for underscore not supported in username
Known Issues
- [dashboard#57] - Bubble overlay chart is unable to display background image in Safari
- [dashboard#08] - Sankey Diagram Select to Control not working
- [build#na] - Agenda thread race issue may occur on windows when system time is changed