Ambience/Repertoire 202x Upgrade Guide

PDF Guide:
Ambience_Repetoire202x Upgrade Guide.pdf (129.2 KB)


  • Ensure you have the license key for Repertoire-202x.

  • Do not remove/overwrite your current Repertoire/Ambience installation directory

Steps to Upgrade to the Latest Version of Repertoire-202x or Ambience-202x

  1. Stop/Shutdown the current Repertoire/Ambience server.

  2. Unzip the latest version of Repertoire 202x or Ambience 202x.

  3. Mandatory configuration on the new Repertoire-202x/Ambience-202x setup:

  • Edit the new etc/application.conf content base on your previous version of Repertoire/Ambience etc/application.conf (Do not overwrite the application.conf with your existing one)

  • Rename the bin/run-server from the new Repertoire/Ambience to bin/run-server.bkup and copy over startup script bin/run-server from the old Repertoire/Ambience to the new Repertoire/Ambience directory

  1. Optional Configurations:

JDBC Configuration:

  • Copy over the database connection pool properties from the old to new Repertoire/Ambience from the etc/ directory.

  • Copy over the JDBC database drivers from the old to new Repertoire/Ambience from the ext/ directory.

SSL Configurations:

  • Copy over the SSL keystore from the old to new Repertoire/Ambience from the etc/https/ directory or wherever it is stored (refer to the etc/application.conf for the correct location).


ambience {

systemId: "System"

bindAddress: ""

bindPort: ${internal-port}

https {

enabled = false

keystore = "https/keystore"

keystore-type = "PKCS12"

keystore-password = ""

client-auth = "none" # none, optional or require

truststore = "https/truststore"

truststore-type = "PKCS12"

truststore-password = ""



Repertoire/Ambience service script

  • Linux

Uninstall the service Repertoire or Ambience service first
sudo systemctl disable repertoire


sudo systemctl disable ambience

Edit .service file content in /etc/systemd/system/ambience_service or /etc/systemd/system/repetoire_service:

#!/bin/sh -

Description=Elixir Ambience 202x Service

User=elixir Do revise the user name as needed.
WorkingDirectory=/opt/ElixirAmbience202x/bin Do revise the path as needed.
ExecStart=/opt/ElixirAmbience202x/bin/run-server Do revise the path as needed.


Use systemd to load new service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Start Repertoire/Ambience service:

sudo systemctl start ambience


sudo systemctl start repertoire

Check status for Repertoire/Ambience service:

sudo systemctl status ambience


sudo systemctl status repertoire

Enable Repertoire/Ambience service:

sudo systemctl enable ambience


sudo systemctl enable repertoire

For more information:

Configuring Ambience/Repertoire 2020+ as Linux Service - Ambience 2020+ - Elixir Support Forum (

  • Windows

Uninstall Repertoire/Ambience window service via CMD/powershell by running from the old version server

elx-ambience-service.exe uninstall

Copy over the window services file from the old server to the new server.















Install the Repertoire/Ambience service by running the following command via CMD/Power shell

elx-ambience-service.exe install


elx-repertoire-service.exe install

For more information:

Installing Ambience/Repertoire 202x as a Windows Service - Ambience 2020+ - Elixir Support Forum (

Templates and Data Sources (Repertoire Only)

  • Copy over Repository/ directory to the new Repertoire-202x version

Repertoire Users and Groups

  • Copy over data/codex directory to the new Repertoire-202x version

ETL module files

  • Copy over from data/in & data/out directory to the new Ambience-202x or Repertoire-202x
  1. Start the newly installed Repertoire 202x or Ambience server 202x.

  2. Verify that everything is working as intended.

Please do a rollback to your previous version if you are unable to start the newly installed Repertoire/Ambience server.


For Ambience 202x installations template,data sources,user and roles are stored in your MongoDB database.