[Administration-Targets]: 02 SFTP Targets

A target is a point which the server can direct the output report to. It may be a physical file location accessible by the report server or a stream based reply target which return the report stream to the client.

SFTP Target (since version 5.1.1)

SFTP is a secure FTP client to allow the server to direct a report output to SSH server.

To allow SFTP you may add a new entry to the ERS2-Config.xml to the config directory.

<ers:target name="sftp" class="com.elixirtech.ers2.target.SFTPTarget" description="Target using SFTP>
 <ers:property name="user">User name</ers:property>
 <ers:property name="password">My password</ers:property>
 <ers:property name="host">host or server</ers:property>
 <ers:property name="port">22</ers:property>

 <!-- current location of login may be another path /public_html etc -->
 <ers:property name="dir">.</ers:property>
 <ers:property name="filename">myreport</ers:property>

The target is called at the client by using the target name i.e. sftp, as specified in the above configuration.

SFTP Target (since version 7 and above)

Steps to be taken :-

1/ Log on to Elixir Server via any web browser, go to Administrator > Target .
2/ Create a new SFTP target, " SFTP TARGET ".
3/ Enter Information : -
host : ${host##xxxxxxxxxxx.com}
port : ${port##22}
user : ${user##xxxxxxxxxx}
password : ${password##xxxxxxxxxxx}
dir : ${dir##/xxxx/xxxx}
filename : ${filename##xxxxxxxxx}
mime-type : ${mime-type##application/pdf}

4/ Launch Elixir Remote designer
5/ Create a Job file by inputting “NAME” and “Mime-Type”, accordingly your target information.
6/ It should be auto-define for the parameter that you’d set to SFTP target.
6/ Run the Job

[Result] File will be rendered to third party SFTP server.

*Note: This is only applicable to SFTP server and not in FTP server.(You can use ANT Task for FTP server)