[Working with scripts]: Rendering Section Dynamically

Please refer to our sample template dynamic_sections.rml

In the template, there are 4 sections namely: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3 Section 4.

And 4 parameters to capture the render sequence from user input namely: sa, sb, sc, sd.

In Function Definitions, please declare 4 global variables :

a = Properties.getProperty("sa")-1;
b = Properties.getProperty("sb")-1;
c = Properties.getProperty("sc")-1;
d = Properties.getProperty("sd")-1;

If a user wants Section 3 to render 1st, sc = 1 and c = 0 because in human language 1 means 1st while it starts from 0 in java.

In Report: On Render Begin , place the following code:

getSequenceStep(a).setSectionName("Section 1");
getSequenceStep(b).setSectionName("Section 2");
getSequenceStep(*c*).setSectionName("Section 3");
getSequenceStep(d).setSectionName("Section 4");

Please rename the following attachment from .txt to .rml